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On February 24, russia has invaded Ukraine

On February 24, russia has invaded Ukraine. Without a single reason or threat from our side. 

Now, russia even admits it wants to build a russian empire stretching “from Vladivostok to Lisbon”

Peaceful civilians are killed, girls, kids are raped and brutally murdered (just google #buchamassacre). 

Dogs are eaten, horses are burned alive just for fun. 

Homes are robbed, russian soldiers steal everything from laptops to forks (!) and kids shoes (from the dead ones, you know), then sell them as trophies or bring to their families. Those families even send lists of what they would like their husbands to bring from Ukraine. From dead civilians in Ukraine. 

This is not just putin’s war. It’s not putin who creates this nightmare, it’s the average russian soldiers. They don’t have empathy, they don’t know mercy, they can’t love. They are able to feel only hate, hunger and malice

While my brain and soul are trying to comprehend all this, I beg you to speak about it where you live, I beg you not to be silent, I beg you to help Ukraine. 

For instance, you can donate to a Help the Ukrainian Army fund or to Life Delivery – a community of volunteers who purchase and deliver humanitarian aid to the Kyiv citizens, medical institutions, volunteer organizations and territorial defense.